Thursday, December 3, 2009

Some changes they are a comin!

When Kevin and I bought our house back in January of 2002, we thought we had tons of room. We really didn't have the idea of kids in the back of our minds or the space that they would take up! LOL Since having Mason, our house has slowly started filling up with jumperoos, bouncers, play pens, etc. His little nursery is so packed full of goodies and his furniture is so big that it's hard to get around in!

our basement, while it has room, is hard to carry swings, baby stuff up and down so it really doesn't get used.

Here, you can see how jammed packed our living room is ! LOL

And here is Mason's crowded nursery!

So, we've taken the leap and decided to put our house on the market!

While I am excited at the prospect of getting into a larger home that everyone can have their own space in, it's a bittersweet moment.
While talking about it last week, I got a bit wet eyed thinking about leaving this home. Kevin and I purchased and moved into this home about a year before we were married, we dreamed of having children in this home for 5 long years and then got to bring Mason home here. We have had many good times here, but as Kevin pointed out we will make many more good memories in another home and be able to watch Mason grow there. There is one house in Oxford that we really like, and are hoping to check in out in the next couple of weeks, but won't be in any big hurry until our house is sold. Fingers crossed!

So, there will soon be a "for sale" sign in our yard! :-)

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