our basement, while it has room, is hard to carry swings, baby stuff up and down so it really doesn't get used.
Here, you can see how jammed packed our living room is ! LOL
And here is Mason's crowded nursery!
Mason 8 weeks old
Mason 10 weeks old
Mason 21 weeks old
And here are a few pictures of Mason's "first times":
First vacation to Grand Lake at 6 weeks old with mommy, daddy, uncle Tyler, aunt Lindsay, uncle Dennis, and cousins Taler, Alison, Raegan, Aspen, and Sutton. Meme came too!
We also went to Kansas City with Kevin for a business conference. While Kevin worked, Mason, my mom, and myself had fun shopping, riding the carousel, and just relaxing!!
So...there you have it! Five months in one post! HA Hopefully you won't be reading my next post filled with pictures 5 months from now!