First off, Mason is doing AWESOME! He had his 9 month check up yesterday and weighs
in at an impressive 24 lbs and is almost 31 inches long! He's tall and big!!! LOL He is in the 95
percentile in weight and off the charts with his length. He has two bottom teeth which are the cutest little things, and is growing like CRAZY! Here are a few pics to catch you all up!
Not to much happened in the month of January besides Mason's 6 month pictures, and us selling our home! We also started taking Mason to the indoor swimming pool every Sunday afternoon, and he LOVES it! Kevin loves having that special daddy/Mason time as well!

We went to Arizona to see Kevin's twin sister Karen, her husband Ben, and their ADORABLE 1 1/2 year old little girl Katelyn. We hadn't been to AZ in over a yea
r (last time we were there was when Katelyn was born) so we were super excited to go back. Katelyn has grown SOOO much since we saw her last (they came to visit K
S when Mason was born last July). Mason really enjoyed the warm weather, and we went to a nearby park where he had his first swing in a baby swing! He loved it! Thanks for the great visit Skoog family!

Also in February, Kevin and I made a big decision and decided to move from
Oxford. We bought a house in Winfield, right across from my sister Lindsay and her family!

This has just been incredible! We have gotten to see my family so much more, and Kevin really enjoys it as he gets to sp
end time with my nieces (well.......he takes them to Braum's alot which he says is because "they beg him", but I think he uses them as an excuse to eat ice cream all the time! HA HA Whatever the reason....they really appreciate him!). Anyways, our house is much bigger which is nice for the space but it takes me a bit more to keep everything nice and tidy. We are really enjoying it though! We have a big pond nearby that Mason and I enjoy walking to. We even fed some ducks
the other day!
Mason also got his first haircut on March 11th (his daddy's birthday)! His
hair was growing so long that I was having to tuck it behind his ears! Yikes! So.......

We had a big family gathering at Easter this past Sunday. We had a blast and took a TON of pictures with my sister Lindsay's awesome camera!

I will try very hard to do my best at keeping this think updated! I can not believe it's been so long! LOL
You crazy lady!! It has been awhile! I really need to get over and see your new house. It would be fun to hang out with you and Lindsay and the babies---hopefully we can do that soon! dc
ReplyDeleteWelcome back Rachel. Loved the update. You have one big boy on your hands. He is absolutely adorable.
ReplyDeleteWhere does Kevin's sister live in Arizona?
Glad to have you back!!! Mason is absolutely adorable. He has got the cutest little smile. I was going to call you last time we were in Winfield but I couldn't find a listing for you or any of your family in the phone book. When you get a chance send me your # on FB.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back! I missed your posting :)
ReplyDeleteThat is a great family shot! Looking forward to seeing you soon for your session!
Danielle, I know! IT HAS BEEN FOREVER! LOL We will hopefully be able to start running together soon!
ReplyDeleteJessica, Thanks! Yes, Mason is HUGE! LOL He is the height and weight of a 1 year old! LOL He is slithering all over, but just refuses to crawl. I'm not sure I want to rush it, as I kind of miss the "lay him down and know he won't move" days! HA
Kelly, I will message it to you. It would be great to catch up! Isn't Mason's smile just pure awnry?!?! LOL
Laura, Hope to see you soon!!!!!