We have had alot happen over the past several months. I think my last post left off in March/April. We've had alot of ups and downs in the months that followed........

Kevin's best friend, Bryan, passed away very unexpectedly. While many of you probably know
the details, I feel it best to leave those out. Just know that he was probably one of the most kind and funny people that I will ever have the pleasure of knowing. He was so unselfish and could make anyone's mood go from bad to good in a matter of minutes! He and Kevin were best friends since the 5th grade, and he had lived out of state for most of his adult life. We had the good
fortune of having him back in our lives for the past 1 1/2 years as he moved back to Oxford. In
that time, we got to spend alot of time with him. Good ol' preggo Rachel was the DD for MOST of Bryan and Kevin's adventures! LOL He was one of the first people to hold Mason when he was
born, he made meals and brought them to our home everyday for 5 or 6 days when we got home from the hospital! Just an amazing person! His smile and laughter will be missed forever..........

In May, we decided to take a little weekend trip to Branson. We needed to get away for a bit, so thought this would be a nice little getaway. Alot different from the Carribean trips we took pre-baby, but oh well....we wouldn't change THAT for the world! Mason beats any ol' island vaca ANYWAY!
I got the flu pretty badly the day before we left, but felt a bit better the next day so we decided to go for it. My mom came too, so we were all ready for some fun. Despite me being nauseated for 4 straight days, rain cancelling our Silver Dollar City day, and my mom not feeling so
hot.....we had a ball! LOL We got to see some fun shows, and do my fav thing in Branson...s
ome great SHOPPING!
We saw this hilarious show called Legends (impersonaters) and I guess this is me with Tim
McGraw! LOL It's OK to be jealous......HA

Memorial Day weekend we got to take the boat out for the first time. We have a long weekend planned at Grand Lake in a few weeks, but we just couldn't wait to get it out! The last time we had the boat out was at Grand Lake last August. We had Bryan with us (it was my whole family) and we had a great time. This picture will show you why he could change a mood pretty quickly! LOL (and he just had his swimsuit hiked up!)

Our niece Lynzie came to visit for a little under a week! We love having her here, and she just
LOOOVES Mr. Mason! He feels the same for her, so we were pretty sad to see her leave. She is
planning on going to Grand Lake with us, so more fun times to be had with her in the very near
future! :-)

We also got to celebrate my little nephew Sutton's birthday last weekend!

He is exactly two weeks older than Mason. We LOVE living right across the street from them! I think Sutton and Mason will be very close, and I can't wait to see what kind of trouble these two get into together!
And as most of you know, Mason's first birthday is coming up soon!!! One week from this Friday to be exact! We are throwing him a big birthday party on the 10th and I am SO excited! I can't believe how much my little guy has grown in the last year! He is STILL army crawling. He can get up on all fours, but just chooses not to that often. I think army crawling is WAY faster! LOL
He is pulling up on everything and cruising the furniture. I can tell he really wants to stand on his own, but so far can only do it with one hand still holding onto something. I'm not rushing him on this! In his own time............
We had our AWESOME photographer (LAURA MCPHERSON with ELEPHANT JUICE PHOTOGRAPHY) do his 1 year pics a bit early so we could have some back in time for his party.
She did a great job (as always)! She has taken his pictures at all stages (newborn, 3 month, christmas, 6 month, 9 month, and one year). I thought I would post some of them so you could
see "oh what a difference a year makes!"


CHRISTMAS (around 5 months):




I have a slideshow I have put together and will post after his birthday party. Just makes me cry thinking about how fast time is going. I just love my little guy so much!
One last bit of exciting news....Kevin was invited to sing the national anthem at the Winfield Country Roundup! He sang a song for Bryan's funeral service and had so many people love it that they called him up! He is excited yet a bit nervous. Here is a link to the song he sang for Bry. Such a wonderful hidden talent that hubby of mine has! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCsa_24zb48&feature=related
Hopefully I will be posting some pictures of Mason's birthday party afterwards. Who knows...he might be 18 months old before that! LOL
Hope all is well with everyone, and thanks for reading! :-)
The Price clan